Xtreme X2O
“You can trace every sickness, every disease and every ailment to a mineral deficiency.”
– Dr. Linus Pauling (Two-time Nobel Prize winner)
– Dr. Linus Pauling (Two-time Nobel Prize winner)
Why Xtreme X2O? |
WHY Water is Critical to Your Good Health
Your body is designed to be approx. 70% water. The most critical fluid in your body, your blood, is mostly water. Your muscles, skin, and vital organs all contain and need large amounts of water for optimal health. Water also transports oxygen to your cells, delivers nutrients, removes waste, and provides energy to the body. Signs of Dehydration Your body loses approx. 2.5 liters of water every day just through normal bodily functions. You lose water through urination, respiration, and perspiration. When you are physically active or athletic, you lose even more water. Although “thirst” is an obvious sign of dehydration, the TRUTH is your body is in need of water long before you feel thirsty. Symptoms of mild dehydration include chronic pains in joints and muscles, lower back pain, headaches, and constipation. A strong odor to your urine, along with a yellow or amber color indicates that you are not getting enough water. “Supercharge” Your Water Why drink just plain water when you can “supercharge” your water? Just one sachet of Xtreme X2O adds vital minerals and electrolytes to your water while it helps hydrate you at the cellular level and provide a boost of alkalinity to your body. In fact, Xtreme X2O is powerful enough to transform standard tap water into a much healthier form of water. “Wetter Water" X2O sachets actually make water "wetter" by lowering the surface tension of water molecules. This dramatically increases your water's ability to hydrate your body at the cellular level. |
Re-Think Your Drink! |
Is Your Body Acidic?
Some of the symptoms associated with acidic conditions in the body include weight gain, insomnia, water retention, arthritis, migraine headaches, constipation, colds, flu, stomach ulcers, acid reflux and even cancer. Many health experts agree that an overly acidic body greatly diminishes the effectiveness of your immune system and usually leads to disease. Acidic conditions in the body are caused by: junk food, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, sodas, coffee, sports drinks, alcohol, environmental toxins, and stress. Considering this long list of items that can lead to acidic challenges in our body, it becomes very clear why it is so important to drink an alkaline beverage like Xtreme X2O every day. WHY pH balance is critical to your health In order for the body to maintain optimal health, it needs to manage a very narrow pH range (slightly alkaline) - especially in the blood. In fact, the body will go to almost any length necessary to maintain your blood pH at 7.34 – 7.45 because anything outside that pH range could result in death. The process of restoring pH balance in your body always includes proper diet and nutrition. This means eating alkalizing foods (vegetables, low sugar fruits, etc.) and getting proper nutritional supplementation. However, the foundation of healthy pH balance is in drinking plenty of alkaline water. And the easiest way to “supercharge” the alkalinity of your water is by adding an Xtreme X2O sachet! |
There's a Problem with Our Water and We Have a Solution!
“The cells of a healthy body are alkaline while the cells of a diseased body are acidic.”
– Dr. Arthur Guyton (author of the “Textbook of Medical Physiology”)
– Dr. Arthur Guyton (author of the “Textbook of Medical Physiology”)
Weight Loss Water |
X2O supports your weight loss efforts in 3 ways …
1. X2O helps to hydrate your body at the cellular level. Think about it. You’ve probably never seen a weight loss system or diet program that didn’t recommend that you drink more water. Why? Because your body needs to be properly hydrated in order for you to be successful in your weight loss goals. The problem is that most tap water and bottled water is not effective for optimal hydration. But, when you add just one sachet of X2O to that water, it provides improved hydration by allowing the water to be more easily absorbed by your body. In addition, X2O delivers vital electrolytes into your water that improve your overall hydration at the cellular level. 2. X2O provides ionic trace minerals which support healthy weight management. Ensuring that your body gets the optimal level of minerals it needs is a vital component to not only being healthy but also to optimize your weight loss goals. This is because minerals play a key role in important bodily functions that relate to your metabolism. Minerals have a direct effect on appetite control, blood sugar balance, food cravings, adrenal and thyroid hormone functions, and the use of fat for energy in your body. X2O sachets contain an all-natural mineral complex that releases beneficial trace minerals into the water which can be easily absorbed and used to support your body’s metabolic functions. 3. X2O gives your water a healthy alkaline boost which helps burn fat. If you want to shed excess body fat with less effort it is important to maintain a healthy pH balance in the body. This is the “hidden secret” to continual fat loss that keeps most people from getting the results they desire. Unfortunately, most of the foods and beverages we consume on a daily basis cause our bodies to become acidic. And the more acidic we are, the more likely we are to store fat. But, with just one sachet of X2O, you can transform your water into a highly alkaline beverage that helps to neutralize acid in your body and trigger the release of excess fat. |
No Odor, No Taste, and
No Sugar...Just Minerals! 5 Electrolytes! Xtreme X2O is available in 60+ countries! |
Hydrate, Mineralize, Revitalize with Xtreme X2O
Alkalizing, Anti-Aging, Anti-Oxidant, Electrolytes, Hydration, Absorption, and Disease Prevention are all words that can be attributed to an X2O sachet added to your water. Essential minerals from the X2O sachet are released as ions into your water, allowing them to be absorbed quickly and easily at the cellular level. X2O transforms plain water into a powerful alkaline beverage which can help fight against acidic and unhealthy conditions in the body caused by today's fast paced lifestyle and is the perfect addition to any supplement program. Xtreme X2O (30 sachets) Protocol changes based on your needs from 1 sachet to 4 per day. Suggested Use: Drop an X2O sachet in 18-24 ounces of purified or bottled water. Shake for 10-15 seconds. Allow 5 minutes for X2O to transform your water before drinking. Optimal hydration equals Your Body Weight divided by 2 = ounces of water to drink per day (Your Weight is 200 lbs then your goal would be to drink 100 ounces). If you are not drinking much water, work your way up to drinking half your weight in ounces in water. |
The picture on the right (of human blood cells) was taken just 30 minutes after a single serving of X2O
Read before you order...
When you order online, the Xooma website has a dual purpose, for people who want to buy product and for people who want the business opportunity with Xooma.
1. Yes, you need to setup for a website so you can get into your back office and this does not mean you have to sell the product. Example...www.XoomaWorldwide.com/FirstNameLastName (no spaces)
2. The products comes with an autoship and once you order we can cancel your autoship or back it out.
3. The website will ask for your social security number and you do not have to give it. That is only for the people who want the business opportunity with Xooma.
Ok, now you can order and you should have it in 3-5 business days.
When you order online, the Xooma website has a dual purpose, for people who want to buy product and for people who want the business opportunity with Xooma.
1. Yes, you need to setup for a website so you can get into your back office and this does not mean you have to sell the product. Example...www.XoomaWorldwide.com/FirstNameLastName (no spaces)
2. The products comes with an autoship and once you order we can cancel your autoship or back it out.
3. The website will ask for your social security number and you do not have to give it. That is only for the people who want the business opportunity with Xooma.
Ok, now you can order and you should have it in 3-5 business days.
Recommended to use (1) X2O sachet per two bottles of water.
30 Sachets of X2O
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Most people who try this product love the results and continue to use it each month. When you place your order, the company will set up a convenient monthly replenishment program for you to receive your order once a month. There’s no obligation and you can modify or cancel your order anytime with a simple email or phone call. With the monthly replenishment program you’ll continue to receive the lowest prices on all your future orders as well as the protection of a full money-back guarantee. Xooma Policies
*The statements on these products have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Admisitration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cures or prevent any disease.